add(Object) - Method in class devutil.QueueMux
add(Object) - Method in class devutil.Queue
add(Object, int) - Method in class devutil.QueueWaiter
Adds the item to the specified queue.
addGpsInfoListener(GpsInfoListener) - Method in class location.LocationServer
Adds a GpsInfoListener to this server.
addGpsInfoListener(GpsInfoListener) - Method in interface location.LocationGenerator
Add a GpsInfo listener.
addGpsInfoListener(GpsInfoListener) - Method in class location.generators.FakeGPSMonitor
Add a GpsInfo listener.
addGpsInfoListener(GpsInfoListener) - Method in class location.generators.RealGPSMonitor
Add a GpsInfo listener.
addGroupChangedListener(GroupChangedListener) - Method in class groupmgmt.GroupManager
Registers a GroupChangedListener to receive all GroupChangedEvents generated by this GroupDisseminator.
addGroupChangedListener(GroupChangedListener) - Method in class groupmgmt.GroupDisseminator
Registers a GroupChangedListener to receive all GroupChangedEvents generated by this GroupDisseminator.
addLocationListener(LocationListener) - Method in class location.LocationServer
Adds a LocationListener to this server.
addLocationListener(LocationListener) - Method in interface location.LocationGenerator
Add a Location listener.
addLocationListener(LocationListener) - Method in class location.generators.FakeGPSMonitor
Add a Location listener.
addLocationListener(LocationListener) - Method in class location.generators.RealGPSMonitor
Add a Location listener.
addReaction(LimeSystemReaction[]) - Method in class lime.LimeSystemTupleSpace
Registers a group of reactions with the Lime System tuple space.
addSatellite(Satellite) - Method in class location.GpsInfoEvent
Adds a Satellite object to the vector of Satellites
addStrongReaction(LocalizedReaction[]) - Method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Registers a group of reactions with the Lime tuple space.
addWeakReaction(Reaction[]) - Method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Registers a group of weak reactions with the Lime tuple space.
AgentCreationException - exception lime.AgentCreationException.
Raised when it's impossible to create an agent in a Lime server.
AgentCreationException() - Constructor for class lime.AgentCreationException
Creates a new exception with no internal, lower-level exception.
AgentCreationException(Exception) - Constructor for class lime.AgentCreationException
Creates an exception that wraps an internal exception.
AgentCreationException(Exception, String) - Constructor for class lime.AgentCreationException
Creates an exception that wraps an internal exception.
AgentCreationException(String) - Constructor for class lime.AgentCreationException
Creates a new exception with no internal, lower-level exception.
AgentID - class lime.AgentID.
Defines the identifier of StationaryAgent and MobileAgent objects.
AgentID(LimeServerID, long) - Constructor for class lime.AgentID
Construct a new agent identifier.
AgentLocation - class lime.AgentLocation.
Defines the location of a tuple with respect to an Agent.
AgentLocation(AgentID) - Constructor for class lime.AgentLocation
Create a location corresponding to the ITS of a given agent.
areAllEmpty() - Method in class devutil.QueueWaiter
Return true if all queues are empty, false otherwise.


BeaconingDetector - class groupmgmt.impl.BeaconingDetector.
The BeaconingDetector class; Detects members based on beacons, using a BeaconServer.
BeaconingDetector(int, String, int) - Constructor for class groupmgmt.impl.BeaconingDetector
boot() - Method in class lime.LimeServer
Activate the runtime support.
boot() - Method in class location.LocationServer
Boots the Location Server.


changeBy(double) - Method in class location.Longitude
Changes this Longitude by the specifiec amount.
changeBy(double) - Method in class location.Latitude
Changes this latitude by the specifiec amount.
changeGroup(Member[], Member[]) - Method in class groupmgmt.GroupDisseminator
Change the configuration of the current group.
changeGroup(Member[], Member[]) - Method in class groupmgmt.impl.SinglePhaseDisseminator
Process a change in connectivity detected by MemberDetector Send it to the connectionChangeQueue to process.
clone() - Method in class location.Location
This method returns a deep copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class location.Longitude
This method returns a deep copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class location.Latitude
This method returns a deep copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class location.LocationEvent
This method returns a deep copy of this object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class groupmgmt.Member
Compare another Member to this one.
connect() - Method in class groupmgmt.GroupManager
Turn the GroupManager on.
CONNECTkey - Static variable in interface lime.PropertyKeys
A key to whether connections should be maintained.


DEBUGkey - Static variable in interface lime.PropertyKeys
A key to whether debug messages should be printed to the screen.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
The default name for tuple spaces.
DEFAULT_INTERVAL - Static variable in class location.generators.FakeGPSMonitor
The default interval between generating points is 1000ms.
DEFAULT_LAT_STEP_SIZE - Static variable in class location.generators.FakeGPSMonitor
The default latitude step size in sexagesimal units.
DEFAULT_LATITUDE - Static variable in class location.generators.FakeGPSMonitor
The default latitude is (38 38.8935' N)
DEFAULT_LISTENER - Static variable in class lime.util.console.LimeConsole
DEFAULT_LONG_STEP_SIZE - Static variable in class location.generators.FakeGPSMonitor
The default longitude step size in sexagesimal units.
DEFAULT_LONGITUDE - Static variable in class location.generators.FakeGPSMonitor
The default longitude is (90 18.389986' W)
defaultProperties - Static variable in class lime.LimeServer
The default server properties.
devutil - package devutil
devutil.awt - package devutil.awt
disconnect() - Method in class groupmgmt.GroupManager
Turn the GroupManager off.
disengage() - Method in class lime.LimeAgentMgr
Disengages the agent by unsharing all shared tuple spaces.
disengage() - Method in class lime.LimeServer
Start the disengagement protocol needed to allow a host to depart from a community of mobile hosts.
display(String) - Method in class lime.util.console.LimeConsole
Display a message on the console.
disseminator - Variable in class groupmgmt.MemberDetector
The GroupDisseminator to use to effect changes in the group.
distance(Location) - Method in class location.Location
Get the distance in meters from this location to another location.
doRun() - Method in class lime.mobileagent.mucode.MobileAgent
Must be redefined by the programmer with the behavior of the agent.


EAST - Static variable in class location.Longitude
elements() - Method in class devutil.QueueMux
elements() - Method in class devutil.Queue
elements(int) - Method in class devutil.QueueWaiter
engage() - Method in class lime.LimeAgentMgr
Engages the agent by sharing all tuple spaces that were shared when disengage was called.
engage() - Method in class lime.LimeServer
Start the engagement protocol necessary to make this host part of a community of mobile hosts.
ENGAGEkey - Static variable in interface lime.PropertyKeys
A key that specifies whether to initially engage the LIMEServer.
ENGAGEMENT_MODEkey - Static variable in interface lime.PropertyKeys
A Key specifying the engagement mode.
equals(Object) - Method in class lime.AgentID
Tests two agent identifiers for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class lime.AgentLocation
Tests two agent locations for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class lime.TransactionID
Tests two tuple identifiers for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class lime.LimeServerID
equals(Object) - Method in class lime.HostLocation
Tests two host locations for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class lime.LimeTupleID
Tests two tuple identifiers for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class location.Location
Determines if another object is equal to this location.
equals(Object) - Method in class location.Longitude
Determines if another object is equal to this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class location.LocationDate
equals(Object) - Method in class location.Latitude
Determines if another object is equal to this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class location.LocationEvent
Determines if another object is equal to this LocationEvent.
equals(Object) - Method in class groupmgmt.Member
Returns true if the specified object is a Member and has the same address and port number.
ERRORSkey - Static variable in interface lime.PropertyKeys
A key to whether error messages should be printed to the screen.


FakeGPSMonitor - class location.generators.FakeGPSMonitor.
This class reads the data comming from a simulated GPS system.
FakeGPSMonitor() - Constructor for class location.generators.FakeGPSMonitor
Creates a FakeGPSMonitor with all the default settings.
FakeGPSMonitor(boolean) - Constructor for class location.generators.FakeGPSMonitor
Creates a FakeGPSMonitor with all of the default settings except for the showGUI.
FakeGPSMonitor(long) - Constructor for class location.generators.FakeGPSMonitor
Creates a FakeGPSMonitor starting at the default location with the specified update period.
FakeGPSMonitor(long, double, double) - Constructor for class location.generators.FakeGPSMonitor
Creates a FakeGPSMonitor starting at a default location.
FakeGPSMonitor(long, Latitude, Longitude) - Constructor for class location.generators.FakeGPSMonitor
Creates a FakeGPSMonitor with the starting location as specified by the parameter without reporting its location to a RoutSimulatorServer and default increment.
FakeGPSMonitor(long, Latitude, Longitude, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class location.generators.FakeGPSMonitor
Creates a FakeGPSMonitor with the starting location as specified by the parameter.
FakeSatelliteInfoGenerator - class location.generators.FakeSatelliteInfoGenerator.
Generates random fake satellite information.
FakeSatelliteInfoGenerator(FakeGPSMonitor) - Constructor for class location.generators.FakeSatelliteInfoGenerator
fireGroupChangedEvent(GroupChangedEvent) - Method in class groupmgmt.GroupDisseminator
Sends a GroupChangedEvent to all registered listeners.
fireGroupChangedEvent(Vector) - Method in class groupmgmt.impl.SinglePhaseDisseminator
Helper method to automatically construct the event before firing.


genRandomGpsInfo() - Method in class location.generators.FakeSatelliteInfoGenerator
Generates a randome GpsInfoEvent.
getAddress() - Method in class groupmgmt.Member
Returns the IP address of the host represented by this Member.
getAltitude() - Method in class location.LocationEvent
Returns tha altitude in meters above sea level.
getAzimut() - Method in class location.Satellite
Accessor method to satellite azimut
getBaud() - Method in class location.GPSReceiverSettings
getConsole() - Method in interface lime.util.console.IConsoleProvider
Retrieves the console from the provider.
getConsoleProvider() - Method in class lime.util.console.LimeConsoleListener
Return the LimeConsole object this listener is associated to.
getCourse() - Method in class location.LocationEvent
Returns the course in degrees.
getCurrentActiveQueue() - Method in class devutil.QueueMux
Returns the index of the queue currently active.
getCurrentLocation() - Method in class lime.Reaction
Get the current location associated with the reaction.
getData_validity() - Method in class location.GpsInfoEvent
Accessor method to the validity of data
getDate() - Method in class location.LocationEvent
Returns the time stamp of this location.
getDegrees() - Method in class location.Longitude
Accessor method to get the degrees Longitude
getDegrees() - Method in class location.Latitude
Accessor method to get the degrees latitude
getDestinationLocation() - Method in class lime.Reaction
Get the destination location associated with the reaction.
getDetector() - Method in class groupmgmt.GroupManager
Accessor to get the MemberDetector.
getDisseminator() - Method in class groupmgmt.GroupManager
Accessor to get the GroupDisseminator.
getElevation() - Method in class location.Satellite
Accessor method to satellite elevation
getEventTuple() - Method in class lime.ReactionEvent
Get the tuple that triggered the reaction.
getHemisphere() - Method in class location.Longitude
Accessor method to get the direction of the Longitude
getHemisphere() - Method in class location.Latitude
Accessor method to get the direction of the latitude
getHost() - Method in class lime.LimeServerID
getID() - Method in class lime.LimeAgentMgr
Returns the AgentID of the agent that this manager manages.
getID() - Method in class location.Satellite
Accessor method to satellite ID
getInput() - Method in class devutil.awt.InputDialog
getInternal() - Method in class lime.LimeRuntimeException
Returns the internal exception associated with this object.
getInternal() - Method in class lime.LimeException
Returns the internal exception associated with this object.
getInternal() - Method in class lime.LimeError
Returns the internal exception associated with this object.
getLatitude() - Method in class location.Location
Accessor method to the latitude.
getLimeTupleSpace() - Method in class lime.util.console.LimeConsole
Return the Lime tuple space associated with this Lime console.
getListener() - Method in class lime.Reaction
Get the reaction listener associated with the reaction.
getLoadPort() - Method in class lime.LimeServer
Returns the port used to load agents onto this LimeServer.
getLocation() - Method in interface location.LocationGenerator
Returns the most recently broadcasted location
getLocation() - Method in class location.LocationEvent
Returns the current location.
getLocation() - Method in class location.generators.FakeGPSMonitor
Returns the most previously current location
getLocation() - Method in class location.generators.RealGPSMonitor
Returns the current location reading of the GPS receiver or null of the no reading has been received yet.
getLongitude() - Method in class location.Location
Accessor method to the longitude.
getmcastServerID() - Method in class lime.LimeServer
Returns the ID of the multicast server.
getMember() - Static method in class groupmgmt.GroupManager
Static accessor for Detectors/Disseminators to get a Member object representing this group member.
getMgr() - Method in class lime.StationaryAgent
Returns the manager of this agent.
getMgr() - Method in interface lime.ILimeAgent
Returns the manager of this agent.
getMgr() - Method in class lime.mobileagent.mucode.MobileAgent
Returns the LimeAgentMgr object associated to this agent.
getMinutes() - Method in class location.Longitude
Accessor method to get the minutes Longitude
getMinutes() - Method in class location.Latitude
Accessor method to get the minutes latitude
getMode() - Method in class lime.Reaction
Get the reaction mode.
getMode() - Method in class location.GpsInfoEvent
Accessor method to the mode (2D/3D)
getName() - Method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Get the name of the Lime tuple space as given by the user.
getNewGroup() - Method in class groupmgmt.GroupChangedEvent
Allows access to the new group member set.
getPort() - Method in class lime.LimeServer
Returns the port being used by this LIMEServer.
getPort() - Method in class lime.LimeServerID
getPort() - Method in class location.GPSReceiverSettings
getPort() - Method in class groupmgmt.Member
Returns the port of the host represented by this Member.
getQueues() - Method in class devutil.QueueWaiter
Gets back the array of queues.
getQueues() - Method in class devutil.QueueMux
Gets back the array of queues.
getReaction() - Method in class lime.ReactionEvent
Get the reaction this listener is associated with.
getRegisteredReactions() - Method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Return all the reactions registered on this Lime tuple space, i.e., all those registered by the agent owning this Lime tuple space.
getSatellite(int) - Method in class location.GpsInfoEvent
Gets the satellite in position i of the vector
getSeconds() - Method in class location.LocationDate
getServer() - Static method in class lime.LimeServer
Return a handle to the Lime server.
getServer() - Static method in class location.LocationServer
Returns the LocationServer singleton.
getServerID() - Method in class lime.LimeServer
Returns the ID of the local server.
getSNR() - Method in class location.Satellite
Accessor method to satellite SNR
getSourceAgent() - Method in class lime.ReactionEvent
Get the identifier of the agent owning the tuple space where the event occurred.
getSpeed() - Method in class location.LocationEvent
Returns the speed in meters per second.
getSubscriber() - Method in class lime.RegisteredReaction
Return a handle to the agent that registered the reaction.
getTemplate() - Method in class lime.Reaction
Get the template associated with the reaction.
getTupleSpaceFactory() - Method in class lime.LimeServer
Returns the tuple space factory
getTupleSpaceName() - Method in class lime.RegisteredReaction
Return the name of the tuple space where the reaction is installed.
getUsedSat() - Method in class location.GpsInfoEvent
Accessor method to the number of used satellite
getViewedSat() - Method in class location.GpsInfoEvent
Accessor method to the number of viewed satellite
getX() - Method in class location.Location
Returns the sexagesimal notation of the longitude of this GPS Location
getY() - Method in class location.Location
Returns the sexagesimal notation of the latitude of this GPS Location
GM_DETECTORkey - Static variable in interface lime.PropertyKeys
A Key specifying the detection mode for GroupMember.
GM_DISSEMINATORkey - Static variable in interface lime.PropertyKeys
A Key specifying the dissemination mode for GroupMember.
GM_MAX_SPEEDkey - Static variable in interface lime.PropertyKeys
A key that specifies the maximum speed at which the host can be moving.
GM_MCASTADDRkey - Static variable in interface lime.PropertyKeys
A key to the multicast address used by the GroupMember
GM_MCASTPORTkey - Static variable in interface lime.PropertyKeys
A key to the multicast port used by the GroupMember
GM_NETWORK_LATENCYkey - Static variable in interface lime.PropertyKeys
A key that specifies to GroupMember the latency of the network.
GM_PERIODkey - Static variable in interface lime.PropertyKeys
A key that specified the period at which GroupMember broadcasts beacons.
GM_RANGEkey - Static variable in interface lime.PropertyKeys
A key that specifies the broadcast range in meters of the wireless card.
GPS_BAUDkey - Static variable in interface lime.PropertyKeys
A key that specifies the baud rate of the GPS unit.
GPS_PORTkey - Static variable in interface lime.PropertyKeys
A key that specifies which port the GPS unit it connected to.
GpsInfoEvent - class location.GpsInfoEvent.
This class encapulates the additional information about satellites, modes and data validity, extracted from the GPS unit each second.
GpsInfoEvent(Object, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class location.GpsInfoEvent
Creates a new GpsInfoEvent
GpsInfoListener - interface location.GpsInfoListener.
This interface must be implemented by any object that wishes to receive GpsInfoEvent events.
GPSReceiverSettings - class location.GPSReceiverSettings.
Encapsulates all of the information needed to connect to a GPS receiver.
GPSReceiverSettings(String, String) - Constructor for class location.GPSReceiverSettings
GPSReceiverSettingsDialog - class location.GPSReceiverSettingsDialog.
Prompts the user for real GPS receiver settings.
GPSReceiverSettingsDialog(Frame, GPSReceiverUser) - Constructor for class location.GPSReceiverSettingsDialog
Displays a dialog asking the user to input GPS receiver settings.
GPSReceiverUser - interface location.GPSReceiverUser.
Defines the interface for a object that uses a real GPS unit.
groupChanged(GroupChangedEvent) - Method in class lime.LimeServer
The makeup of the group has changed.
groupChanged(GroupChangedEvent) - Method in class groupmgmt.GroupManager
Method required by the GroupChangedListener interface.
groupChanged(GroupChangedEvent) - Method in interface groupmgmt.GroupChangedListener
groupChanged(GroupChangedEvent) - Method in class groupmgmt.impl.SafeDistanceDetector
Implements the GroupChangedListener interface.
groupChanged(GroupChangedEvent) - Method in class groupmgmt.impl.BeaconingDetector
Implements the GroupChangedListener interface.
GroupChangedEvent - class groupmgmt.GroupChangedEvent.
The GroupChangedEvent class; Encapsulates information related to an event generated by a group configuration change.
GroupChangedEvent(Object, Vector) - Constructor for class groupmgmt.GroupChangedEvent
GroupChangedListener - interface groupmgmt.GroupChangedListener.
The interface that must be implemented by any class that wants to receive notifications of changes to the Group.
GroupDisseminator - class groupmgmt.GroupDisseminator.
The GroupDisseminator abstract class; Implementations of this class are responsible for coordinating group changes with members of the group, based on connection changes sent by the MemberDetector.
GroupDisseminator() - Constructor for class groupmgmt.GroupDisseminator
GroupManager - class groupmgmt.GroupManager.
The Group Manager; Built for use in LIME 1.1; Maintains local information about the group that the current host is a part of (list of members).
GroupManager(int, MemberDetector, GroupDisseminator, boolean) - Constructor for class groupmgmt.GroupManager
Constructor, initializes the GroupManager with the provided MemberDetector and GroupDisseminator.
groupmgmt - package groupmgmt
groupmgmt.impl - package groupmgmt.impl


hashCode() - Method in class lime.AgentID
hashCode() - Method in class lime.TransactionID
hashCode() - Method in class lime.LimeServerID
hashCode() - Method in class lime.LimeTupleID
hashCode() - Method in class groupmgmt.Member
Returns a hash value based on the IP and port of this Member
hasInternal() - Method in class lime.LimeRuntimeException
Tests whether this exception contains an internal exception.
hasInternal() - Method in class lime.LimeException
Tests whether this exception contains an internal exception.
hasInternal() - Method in class lime.LimeError
HostLocation - class lime.HostLocation.
Defines the location of a tuple within the host-level tuple space associated with a host.
HostLocation(LimeServerID) - Constructor for class lime.HostLocation
Create a location corresponding to the host-level tuple space of a given host.


IConsoleProvider - interface lime.util.console.IConsoleProvider.
Defines a simple interface that can be used by any object that somehow manages a LimeConsole object.
ILimeAgent - interface lime.ILimeAgent.
Any Lime agent must implement this interface.
IllegalReactionOperationException - exception lime.IllegalReactionOperationException.
Raised whenever a blocking operation (in or rd) or an operation accessing a non-local portion of the shared tuple space is invoked from within a ReactionListener object.
IllegalReactionOperationException() - Constructor for class lime.IllegalReactionOperationException
Creates a new exception with no internal, lower-level exception.
IllegalReactionOperationException(Exception) - Constructor for class lime.IllegalReactionOperationException
Creates an exception that wraps an internal exception.
IllegalReactionOperationException(Exception, String) - Constructor for class lime.IllegalReactionOperationException
Creates an exception that wraps an internal exception.
IllegalReactionOperationException(String) - Constructor for class lime.IllegalReactionOperationException
Creates a new exception with no internal, lower-level exception.
IllegalSharingException - exception lime.IllegalSharingException.
Raised when an agent tries to set its own Lime System tuple space object to private.
IllegalSharingException() - Constructor for class lime.IllegalSharingException
Creates a new exception with no internal, lower-level exception.
IllegalSharingException(Exception) - Constructor for class lime.IllegalSharingException
Creates an exception that wraps an internal exception.
IllegalSharingException(Exception, String) - Constructor for class lime.IllegalSharingException
Creates an exception that wraps an internal exception.
IllegalSharingException(String) - Constructor for class lime.IllegalSharingException
Creates a new exception with no internal, lower-level exception.
IllegalTupleSpaceAccessException - exception lime.IllegalTupleSpaceAccessException.
Raised when an agent tries to access a Lime tuple space it did not create.
IllegalTupleSpaceAccessException() - Constructor for class lime.IllegalTupleSpaceAccessException
Creates a new exception with no internal, lower-level exception.
IllegalTupleSpaceAccessException(Exception) - Constructor for class lime.IllegalTupleSpaceAccessException
Creates an exception that wraps an internal exception.
IllegalTupleSpaceAccessException(Exception, String) - Constructor for class lime.IllegalTupleSpaceAccessException
Creates an exception that wraps an internal exception.
IllegalTupleSpaceAccessException(String) - Constructor for class lime.IllegalTupleSpaceAccessException
Creates a new exception with no internal, lower-level exception.
IllegalTupleSpaceModificationException - exception lime.IllegalTupleSpaceModificationException.
Raised when an agent tries to modify the contents of a read-only tuple spaces, with a out, in, or inp operation.
IllegalTupleSpaceModificationException() - Constructor for class lime.IllegalTupleSpaceModificationException
Creates a new exception with no internal, lower-level exception.
IllegalTupleSpaceModificationException(Exception) - Constructor for class lime.IllegalTupleSpaceModificationException
Creates an exception that wraps an internal exception.
IllegalTupleSpaceModificationException(Exception, String) - Constructor for class lime.IllegalTupleSpaceModificationException
Creates an exception that wraps an internal exception.
IllegalTupleSpaceModificationException(String) - Constructor for class lime.IllegalTupleSpaceModificationException
Creates a new exception with no internal, lower-level exception.
IllegalTupleSpaceNameException - exception lime.IllegalTupleSpaceNameException.
Raised when an agent tries to create a LimeTupleSpace with an invalid name.
IllegalTupleSpaceNameException() - Constructor for class lime.IllegalTupleSpaceNameException
Creates a new exception with no internal, lower-level exception.
IllegalTupleSpaceNameException(Exception) - Constructor for class lime.IllegalTupleSpaceNameException
Creates an exception that wraps an internal exception.
IllegalTupleSpaceNameException(Exception, String) - Constructor for class lime.IllegalTupleSpaceNameException
Creates an exception that wraps an internal exception.
IllegalTupleSpaceNameException(String) - Constructor for class lime.IllegalTupleSpaceNameException
Creates a new exception with no internal, lower-level exception.
in(ITuple) - Method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Retrieves a tuple that matches a given template, and removes it from the tuple space.
in(Location, AgentLocation, ITuple) - Method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Retrieves a tuple that matches a given template, and removes it from the tuple space.
IncompatibleLocationsException - exception lime.IncompatibleLocationsException.
Raised whenever the current and/or destination locations specified in a location-dependent operation are incompatible with the semantics of the operation itself.
IncompatibleLocationsException() - Constructor for class lime.IncompatibleLocationsException
Creates a new exception with no internal, lower-level exception.
IncompatibleLocationsException(Exception) - Constructor for class lime.IncompatibleLocationsException
Creates an exception that wraps an internal exception.
IncompatibleLocationsException(Exception, String) - Constructor for class lime.IncompatibleLocationsException
Creates an exception that wraps an internal exception.
IncompatibleLocationsException(String) - Constructor for class lime.IncompatibleLocationsException
Creates a new exception with no internal, lower-level exception.
ing(Location, AgentLocation, ITuple) - Method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Retrieve all tuples that match a pattern.
inp(Location, AgentLocation, ITuple) - Method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Retrieves a tuple that matches a given template, and removes it from the tuple space, or returns null if no matching tuple exists.
InputDialog - class devutil.awt.InputDialog.
InputDialog(Frame, String, String) - Constructor for class devutil.awt.InputDialog
isActive() - Method in class groupmgmt.MemberDetector
Check if this MemberDetector is active.
isActive() - Method in class groupmgmt.GroupDisseminator
Check if this GroupDisseminator is active.
isBooted() - Method in class location.LocationServer
Returns true if the location server is booted.
isDebugOn() - Method in class lime.LimeServer
Returns true if debug messages should be printed.
isEmpty() - Method in class devutil.QueueMux
isEmpty() - Method in class devutil.Queue
isEmpty(int) - Method in class devutil.QueueWaiter
isEngaged() - Method in class lime.LimeServer
Return true if the host is engaged, false otherwise
isErrorsOn() - Method in class lime.LimeServer
Returns true if error messages should be printed.
isMessagesOn() - Method in class lime.LimeServer
Returns true if messages should be printed.
isOK() - Method in class devutil.awt.InputDialog
isOpQueueEmpty() - Method in class lime.util.console.LimeConsole
Returns true if the queue of operations is empty, false otherwise.
isOwner() - Method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Return true if the thread calling this method is the ILimeAgentAgent object that owns this Lime tuple space object, false otherwise.
isPermanentConnections() - Method in class lime.LimeServer
Returns true if TCP connections are maintained.
isRegisteredReaction(RegisteredReaction) - Method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Checks whether a given reaction is still registered.
isShared() - Method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Returns true if this tuple space is currently shared, false otherwise.
isShuttingDown() - Method in class lime.LimeServer
Returns whether shutdown has been called on this LimeServer.
isValid() - Method in class location.LocationEvent
Accessor method to flag isValid.
isWeakReaction() - Method in class lime.RegisteredReaction
isWildCard() - Method in class lime.Location
Test whether the location is a wild card location.


kill() - Method in interface location.LocationGenerator
Stops the LocationGenerator.
kill() - Method in class location.generators.FakeGPSMonitor
Stops this class from generating location events.
kill() - Method in class location.generators.RealGPSMonitor
Stops this RealGPSMonitor.


Latitude - class location.Latitude.
The latitude value in a physical coordinate system.
Latitude(double) - Constructor for class location.Latitude
Creates a Latitude based on its sexagesimal notation.
Latitude(int, double, int) - Constructor for class location.Latitude
Creates a Latitude with the specified degrees, minutes, and direction.
Latitude(Latitude) - Constructor for class location.Latitude
The copy constructor.
launch(String[], int) - Method in class lime.util.Launcher
Launches a LIMEServer or loads one or more agents onto another LIMEServer.
launch(String[], int) - Method in class lime.mobileagent.mucode.Launcher
Launcher - class lime.util.Launcher.
The Launcher starts the run time support necessary for Lime from the command line, and serves as the mechanism for passing parameters to the LimeServer when starting the runtime support from within an application (see examples/SimpleLime.java for an example of how to do this).
Launcher - class lime.mobileagent.mucode.Launcher.
The mobileagent.mucode.Launcher starts the run time support necessary for both Lime and muCode from the command line.
Launcher() - Constructor for class lime.util.Launcher
Launcher() - Constructor for class lime.mobileagent.mucode.Launcher
lime - package lime
lime.mobileagent.mucode - package lime.mobileagent.mucode
lime.util - package lime.util
lime.util.console - package lime.util.console
LimeAgentMgr - class lime.LimeAgentMgr.
This is returned when loading an agent into the LimeServer.
LimeAgentMgr() - Constructor for class lime.LimeAgentMgr
Creates the manager for a Lime Agent.
LimeConsole - class lime.util.console.LimeConsole.
A graphical front-end to a Lime Tuple Space.
LimeConsole(AgentID, LimeTupleSpace, IConsoleProvider) - Constructor for class lime.util.console.LimeConsole
Create a new Lime console associated with the Lime tuple space passed as a parameter.
LimeConsoleListener - class lime.util.console.LimeConsoleListener.
Defines a reaction listener that can be used in combination with a LimeConsole object to display information about a given Lime tuple space.
LimeConsoleListener() - Constructor for class lime.util.console.LimeConsoleListener
Create a new listener.
LimeConsoleListener(IConsoleProvider) - Constructor for class lime.util.console.LimeConsoleListener
LimeError - error lime.LimeError.
The superclass of every error generated by this package.
LimeError() - Constructor for class lime.LimeError
Constructs a LimeError with no detail message.
LimeError(String) - Constructor for class lime.LimeError
Constructs a LimeError with the specified detail message.
LimeException - exception lime.LimeException.
The superclass of all exceptions raised by this package.
LimeException() - Constructor for class lime.LimeException
Creates a new exception with no internal, lower-level exception.
LimeException(Exception) - Constructor for class lime.LimeException
Creates an exception that wraps an internal exception.
LimeException(Exception, String) - Constructor for class lime.LimeException
Creates an exception that wraps an internal exception.
LimeException(String) - Constructor for class lime.LimeException
Creates a new exception with no internal, lower-level exception.
LIMEopt - Static variable in class lime.mobileagent.mucode.Launcher
LimeRuntimeException - exception lime.LimeRuntimeException.
The superclass of all runtime exceptions generated by this package.
LimeRuntimeException() - Constructor for class lime.LimeRuntimeException
Creates a new exception with no internal, lower-level exception.
LimeRuntimeException(Exception) - Constructor for class lime.LimeRuntimeException
Creates an exception that wraps an internal exception.
LimeRuntimeException(Exception, String) - Constructor for class lime.LimeRuntimeException
Creates an exception that wraps an internal exception.
LimeRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for class lime.LimeRuntimeException
Creates a new exception with no internal, lower-level exception.
LimeServer - class lime.LimeServer.
The runtime support needed to run Lime on a given host.
LimeServerID - class lime.LimeServerID.
Defines the unique identifier of a LimeServer.
LimeServerID(InetAddress) - Constructor for class lime.LimeServerID
LimeServerID(InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class lime.LimeServerID
LimeServerID(String) - Constructor for class lime.LimeServerID
LimeSystemReaction - class lime.LimeSystemReaction.
Specifies reactions that are concerned only over the Lime System Tuple Space.
LimeSystemReaction(ITuple, ReactionListener, short) - Constructor for class lime.LimeSystemReaction
Create the reaction.
LimeSystemTupleSpace - class lime.LimeSystemTupleSpace.
The LimeSystemTupleSpace (LSTS) gives the Lime Application Programmer the ability to access the system context information including which hosts are present, which agents are present, and which tuple spaces are at the agents.
LimeSystemTupleSpace() - Constructor for class lime.LimeSystemTupleSpace
LimeTupleID - class lime.LimeTupleID.
Defines the identifier of Tuple objects.
LimeTupleID(long) - Constructor for class lime.LimeTupleID
Construct a new tuple identifier...guaranteed to be unique.
LimeTupleSpace - class lime.LimeTupleSpace.
This class, LimeTupleSpace, provides an implementation for the Interface Tuple Space (ITS), the most basic component of a Lime-based application.
LimeTupleSpace() - Constructor for class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Create a default Lime tuple space, named DEFAULT.
LimeTupleSpace(String) - Constructor for class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Create a named Lime tuple space.
loadAgent(String, Serializable[]) - Method in class lime.LimeServer
Load an agent into the Lime server.
LOADkey - Static variable in interface lime.PropertyKeys
A key that specifies an agent to load onto a LIMEServer.
LOADopt - Static variable in class lime.mobileagent.mucode.Launcher
LocalizedReaction - class lime.LocalizedReaction.
Specifies reactions that are concerned only with a localized projection of the shared tuple space.
LocalizedReaction(Location, AgentLocation, ITuple, ReactionListener, short) - Constructor for class lime.LocalizedReaction
Create the reaction, by specifying location information.
location - package location
Location - class lime.Location.
The superclass of all locations, i.e., of both host and agent locations.
Location - class location.Location.
This represents a physical location (a longitude/latitude pair).
location.generators - package location.generators
Location(Latitude, Longitude) - Constructor for class location.Location
Location(Location) - Constructor for class location.Location
The copy constructor.
locationChanged(LocationEvent) - Method in class location.LocationServer
This implements the locationlistener interface.
locationChanged(LocationEvent) - Method in class location.LocationTester
locationChanged(LocationEvent) - Method in interface location.LocationListener
Method that is called by the event generator when new location information is available.
locationChanged(LocationEvent) - Method in class groupmgmt.impl.SafeDistanceDetector
Implements the LocationListener interface.
LocationDate - class location.LocationDate.
This class encapsulates the time of the day in seconds.
LocationDate(int) - Constructor for class location.LocationDate
LocationEvent - class location.LocationEvent.
This class encapsulates the events generated when the location changes.
LocationEvent(Object, Location, Date, double, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class location.LocationEvent
The constructor.
LocationGenerator - interface location.LocationGenerator.
This interface defines the methods and fields that a location generator must implement.
LocationListener - interface location.LocationListener.
This interface must be implemented by any object that wishes to receive location events.
LocationServer - class location.LocationServer.
LocationServer is the singleton that applications implementing the LocationListener interface register on to receive location information.
LocationTester - class location.LocationTester.
Tests the funcationality of the location package.
LocationTester() - Constructor for class location.LocationTester
Creates a LocationTester.
Longitude - class location.Longitude.
The longitude value in a physical coordinate system.
Longitude(double) - Constructor for class location.Longitude
Creates a Longitude based on its sexagesimal notation.
Longitude(int, double, int) - Constructor for class location.Longitude
Creates a Longitude with the specified degrees, minutes, and direction.
Longitude(Longitude) - Constructor for class location.Longitude
The copy constructor.


main(String[]) - Static method in class lime.util.Launcher
Bootstraps the Launcher.
main(String[]) - Static method in class lime.mobileagent.mucode.Launcher
main(String[]) - Static method in class location.LocationTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class groupmgmt.GroupManager
## Main method just for testing on the command-line.
Member - class groupmgmt.Member.
The Member is identified by its address and port.
Member(InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class groupmgmt.Member
Create a Member.
MemberDetector - class groupmgmt.MemberDetector.
The MemberDetector abstract class; Detects members based on anything (most likely with a GroupBeaconListener) and some sort of filter (ie safe-distance calculations).
MemberDetector() - Constructor for class groupmgmt.MemberDetector
MESSAGESkey - Static variable in interface lime.PropertyKeys
A key to whether messages should be printed to the screen.
migrate(String) - Method in class lime.mobileagent.mucode.MobileAgent
Migrates this agent to the specified destination, expressed as a string host:port.
migrate(String, String[], String, boolean) - Method in class lime.mobileagent.mucode.MobileAgent
Migrates this agent to the specified destination, expressed as a string host:port.
MobileAgent - class lime.mobileagent.mucode.MobileAgent.
This class provides a Lime-enabled mobile agent, on top of µCode mobile agents.
MobileAgent() - Constructor for class lime.mobileagent.mucode.MobileAgent
MobileAgent(MuServer) - Constructor for class lime.mobileagent.mucode.MobileAgent
MsgDialog - class devutil.awt.MsgDialog.
MsgDialog(Frame, String, String) - Constructor for class devutil.awt.MsgDialog
MUCODEopt - Static variable in class lime.mobileagent.mucode.Launcher


newGpsInfo(GpsInfoEvent) - Method in class location.LocationServer
This implements the GpsInfolistener interface.
newGpsInfo(GpsInfoEvent) - Method in class location.LocationTester
newGpsInfo(GpsInfoEvent) - Method in interface location.GpsInfoListener
Method that is called by the event generator when new gps information is available.
newMemberBeacon(BeaconEvent) - Method in class groupmgmt.impl.SafeDistanceDetector
Implements the BeaconListener interface.
newMemberBeacon(BeaconEvent) - Method in class groupmgmt.impl.BeaconingDetector
Implements the BeaconListener interface.
NORTH - Static variable in class location.Latitude
NoSuchReactionException - exception lime.NoSuchReactionException.
Raised when an agent attempts to deregister a reaction that has never been registered.
NoSuchReactionException() - Constructor for class lime.NoSuchReactionException
Creates a new exception with no internal, lower-level exception.
NoSuchReactionException(Exception) - Constructor for class lime.NoSuchReactionException
Creates an exception that wraps an internal exception.
NoSuchReactionException(Exception, String) - Constructor for class lime.NoSuchReactionException
Creates an exception that wraps an internal exception.
NoSuchReactionException(String) - Constructor for class lime.NoSuchReactionException
Creates a new exception with no internal, lower-level exception.
numberOfSatellites() - Method in class location.GpsInfoEvent
Returns the number of Satellites in the vector


ONCE - Static variable in class lime.Reaction
The reaction is fired once and then it is removed automatically from the reactive program.
ONCEPERTUPLE - Static variable in class lime.Reaction
The reaction is fired, and will never fire again for a given tuple, but remains registered.
out(AgentLocation, ITuple) - Method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Inserts a tuple in the shared tuple space.
out(ITuple) - Method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Inserts a tuple in the shared tuple space.
outg(AgentLocation, ITuple[]) - Method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Write a set of tuples to the tuple space.


parseArgs(String[], int) - Method in class lime.util.Launcher
Parse an array of String arguments, that usually comes directly from the command line.
parseSubArgs(String[], int) - Method in class lime.mobileagent.mucode.Launcher
lime args must come after mucode args
performQueuedOp() - Method in class lime.util.console.LimeConsole
Process the first element in the operation queue.
PORTkey - Static variable in interface lime.PropertyKeys
A key to the single-cast port used by the LIMEServer
print() - Method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Prints the contents of the tuple space.
print(String) - Static method in class groupmgmt.GroupManager
Static utility method to log output from any groupmgmt class.
printStackTrace() - Method in class lime.LimeRuntimeException
Prints this exception and its backtrace to the standard error stream.
printStackTrace() - Method in class lime.LimeException
Prints this exception and its backtrace to the standard error stream.
printStackTrace() - Method in class lime.LimeError
Prints this exception and its backtrace to the standard error stream.
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in class lime.LimeRuntimeException
Prints this exception and its backtrace to the specified print stream.
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in class lime.LimeException
Prints this exception and its backtrace to the specified print stream.
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in class lime.LimeError
Prints this exception and its backtrace to the specified print stream.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in class lime.LimeRuntimeException
Prints this exception and its backtrace to the specified print writer.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in class lime.LimeException
Prints this exception and its backtrace to the specified print writer.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in class lime.LimeError
Prints this exception and its backtrace to the specified print writer.
properties - Static variable in class lime.LimeServer
The server properties.
PropertyKeys - interface lime.PropertyKeys.
Defines the property keys used to define properties of the LIMEServer.


Queue - class devutil.Queue.
Queue() - Constructor for class devutil.Queue
QueueMux - class devutil.QueueMux.
QueueMux(Queue[]) - Constructor for class devutil.QueueMux
Creates the array of queues managed by this class.
QueueWaiter - class devutil.QueueWaiter.
QueueWaiter(Queue[]) - Constructor for class devutil.QueueWaiter
Creates the array of queues managed by this class.
quit() - Method in class lime.util.console.LimeConsole
QUITkey - Static variable in interface lime.PropertyKeys
A key to whether the LIMEServer should quit after loading an agent onto another LIMEServer.


rd(ITuple) - Method in class lime.LimeSystemTupleSpace
Retrieves a copy of a tuple that matches a given template.
rd(ITuple) - Method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Retrieves a copy of a tuple that matches a given template.
rd(Location, AgentLocation, ITuple) - Method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Retrieves a copy of a tuple that matches a given template.
rdg(ITuple) - Method in class lime.LimeSystemTupleSpace
Retrieves all of the tuples that match a given template, or returns null if no matching tuple exists.
rdg(Location, AgentLocation, ITuple) - Method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Copy all tuples that match a pattern.
rdp(ITuple) - Method in class lime.LimeSystemTupleSpace
Retrieves a copy of a tuple that matches a given template, or returns null if no matching tuple exists.
rdp(Location, AgentLocation, ITuple) - Method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Retrieves a copy of a tuple that matches a given template, or returns null if no matching tuple exists.
Reaction - class lime.Reaction.
The superclass of all reactions.
ReactionEvent - class lime.ReactionEvent.
Contains information related to an event that may fire a reaction.
ReactionListener - interface lime.ReactionListener.
Implemented by objects that want to react to an event.
reactsTo(ReactionEvent) - Method in interface lime.ReactionListener
This method is invoked automatically by the system when the corresponding reaction must be fired.
reactsTo(ReactionEvent) - Method in class lime.util.console.LimeConsoleListener
Displays a brief message on the LimeConsole associated with the listener, and prints the tuple that has been reacted to.
RealGPSMonitor - class location.generators.RealGPSMonitor.
This class monitors the GPS information provided by the Garmin GPS unit on the serial port.
RealGPSMonitor(String, int) - Constructor for class location.generators.RealGPSMonitor
The constructor sets the instance variables and sets up the serial port to be read from.
RegisteredReaction - class lime.RegisteredReaction.
Objects of this class represent a sort of a "receipt" for the registration of a reaction.
remove() - Method in class devutil.QueueMux
Blocks if the queue is empty.
remove() - Method in class devutil.Queue
remove(int) - Method in class devutil.QueueWaiter
Blocks if the queue is empty.
removeElement(Object) - Method in class devutil.Queue
removeGpsInfoListener(GpsInfoListener) - Method in class location.LocationServer
Removes a GpsInfoListener from this server.
removeGpsInfoListener(GpsInfoListener) - Method in interface location.LocationGenerator
Remove a GpsInfo listener.
removeGpsInfoListener(GpsInfoListener) - Method in class location.generators.FakeGPSMonitor
Remove a GpsInfo listener.
removeGpsInfoListener(GpsInfoListener) - Method in class location.generators.RealGPSMonitor
Remove a GpsInfo listener.
removeGroupChangedListener(GroupChangedListener) - Method in class groupmgmt.GroupManager
Unregisters a GroupChangedListener, stops sending GroupChangedEvents to the listener.
removeGroupChangedListener(GroupChangedListener) - Method in class groupmgmt.GroupDisseminator
Unregisters a GroupChangedListener, stops sending GroupChangedEvents to the listener.
removeLocationListener(LocationListener) - Method in class location.LocationServer
Removes a LocationListener from this server.
removeLocationListener(LocationListener) - Method in interface location.LocationGenerator
Remove a location listener.
removeLocationListener(LocationListener) - Method in class location.generators.FakeGPSMonitor
Remove a location listener.
removeLocationListener(LocationListener) - Method in class location.generators.RealGPSMonitor
Remove a location listener.
removeNB() - Method in class devutil.Queue
Throws NoSuchElementException if the queue is empty.
removeReaction(RegisteredReaction[]) - Method in class lime.LimeSystemTupleSpace
Deregisters a group of reactions.
removeStrongReaction(RegisteredReaction[]) - Method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Deregisters a group of strong reactions.
removeWeakReaction(RegisteredReaction[]) - Method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Deregisters a group of weak reactions.
reportChange(Member[], Member[]) - Method in class groupmgmt.MemberDetector
Called by the implementing class to process a change in this Member's connections.
resumeUpdates() - Method in class groupmgmt.GroupManager
Resume sending GroupChangedEvents to the listeners.
run() - Method in class lime.LimeServer
Listens on the load port, when a client connects, it passes in the name of the agent that should be loaded into the LimeServer.
run() - Method in class lime.mobileagent.mucode.MobileAgent
run() - Method in class location.generators.FakeSatelliteInfoGenerator
Periodically changes the GpsInfoEvent being reported by the FakeGPSMonitor.


SafeDistanceDetector - class groupmgmt.impl.SafeDistanceDetector.
The SafeDistanceDetector class; Detects members based on beacons, using a BeaconServer.
SafeDistanceDetector(int, String, int, double, double, double, LocationGenerator) - Constructor for class groupmgmt.impl.SafeDistanceDetector
Satellite - class location.Satellite.
This class encapsulates information about a Satellite as it's received by the GPS unit
Satellite(String) - Constructor for class location.Satellite
Creates a new Satellite Object
sendAgents(MuServer, String, String[]) - Method in class lime.mobileagent.mucode.Launcher
SENDopt - Static variable in class lime.mobileagent.mucode.Launcher
serialEvent(SerialPortEvent) - Method in class location.generators.RealGPSMonitor
This method implements the serialEvent(....) method required by SerialPortEventListener.
setActiveQueue(int) - Method in class devutil.QueueMux
Sets the queue on which the operations are performed.
setAzimut(String) - Method in class location.Satellite
Accessor method to satellite azimut
setConsole(LimeConsole) - Method in interface lime.util.console.IConsoleProvider
Associates the given console to the provider object.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class groupmgmt.GroupManager
Determine whether to output logging messages.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class groupmgmt.impl.SafeDistanceDetector
Determine whether to output logging messages.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class groupmgmt.impl.BeaconingDetector
Determine whether to output logging messages.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class groupmgmt.impl.SinglePhaseDisseminator
Determine whether to output logging messages.
setDetector(MemberDetector) - Method in class groupmgmt.GroupManager
Change the MemberDetector.
setDisseminator(GroupDisseminator) - Method in class groupmgmt.GroupManager
Change the GroupDisseminator and tell the MemberDetector.
setElevation(String) - Method in class location.Satellite
Accessor method to satellite elevation
setGPSInfo(GpsInfoEvent) - Method in class location.generators.FakeGPSMonitor
Sets the GpsInfoEvent to be broadcasted with the location event.
setGPSReceiverSettings(GPSReceiverSettings) - Method in interface location.GPSReceiverUser
setGPSReceiverSettings(GPSReceiverSettings) - Method in class location.LocationTester
setLocationGenerator(LocationGenerator) - Method in class location.LocationServer
Sets the location generated used by this LocationServer.
setPeriod(int) - Method in class location.generators.FakeSatelliteInfoGenerator
Sets the period of updates.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class lime.LimeServer
setShared(boolean) - Method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Enable or disable transient sharing of this tuple space with tuple spaces having the same name.
setShared(LimeTupleSpace[], boolean) - Static method in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
Enable or disable transient sharing of a set of tuple spaces.
setSNR(String) - Method in class location.Satellite
Accessor method to satellite SNR
shutdown(boolean) - Method in class lime.LimeServer
Shuts down the LimeServer.
SinglePhaseDisseminator - class groupmgmt.impl.SinglePhaseDisseminator.
The SinglePhaseDisseminator class.
SinglePhaseDisseminator(int) - Constructor for class groupmgmt.impl.SinglePhaseDisseminator
size() - Method in class devutil.QueueMux
size() - Method in class devutil.Queue
size(int) - Method in class devutil.QueueWaiter
SOUTH - Static variable in class location.Latitude
start() - Method in class groupmgmt.MemberDetector
Begin looking for changes in the group (hosts to engage/disengage with).
start() - Method in class groupmgmt.GroupDisseminator
Start responding to changeGroup messages and fire GroupChangedEvents.
start() - Method in class groupmgmt.impl.SafeDistanceDetector
Begin looking for changes in the group (hosts to engage/disengage with) and start sending beacons.
start() - Method in class groupmgmt.impl.BeaconingDetector
Begin looking for changes in the group (hosts to engage/disengage with) and start sending beacons.
start() - Method in class groupmgmt.impl.SinglePhaseDisseminator
Start responding to changeGroup messages.
StationaryAgent - class lime.StationaryAgent.
In Lime, a Lime tuple space is always permanently associated with an ILimeAgent object.
StationaryAgent() - Constructor for class lime.StationaryAgent
Create a new stationary agent.
StationaryAgent(Runnable) - Constructor for class lime.StationaryAgent
Create a new agent that can access the Lime tuple space of the parent agent.
StationaryAgent(Runnable, String) - Constructor for class lime.StationaryAgent
Create a new thread that can access the Lime tuple space of the parent agent.
StationaryAgent(String) - Constructor for class lime.StationaryAgent
Create a new thread that can access the Lime tuple space of the parent agent.
StationaryAgent(ThreadGroup, Runnable) - Constructor for class lime.StationaryAgent
Create a new thread that can access the Lime tuple space of the parent agent.
StationaryAgent(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String) - Constructor for class lime.StationaryAgent
Create a new thread that can access the Lime tuple space of the parent agent.
StationaryAgent(ThreadGroup, String) - Constructor for class lime.StationaryAgent
Create a new thread that can access the Lime tuple space of the parent agent.
stop() - Method in class groupmgmt.MemberDetector
Stop reporting changes in the group (and presumably stop looking).
stop() - Method in class groupmgmt.GroupDisseminator
Suspend all activity - stop firing GroupChangedEvents.
stop() - Method in class groupmgmt.impl.SafeDistanceDetector
Stop reporting changes in the group, stop looking for beacons, and stop sending beacons.
stop() - Method in class groupmgmt.impl.BeaconingDetector
Stop reporting changes in the group, stop looking for beacons, and stop sending beacons.
stop() - Method in class groupmgmt.impl.SinglePhaseDisseminator
Suspend all activity - stop responding to changeGroup events.
suppressUpdates() - Method in class groupmgmt.GroupManager
Allows the calling class to tell us to temporarily stop sending GroupChangedEvents.
SYSTEM - Static variable in class lime.LimeTupleSpace
The name of the Lime system tuple space.


toSexagesimal() - Method in class location.Longitude
Returns the sexagesimal notation of this Longitude.
toSexagesimal() - Method in class location.Latitude
Returns the sexagesimal notation of this coordinate.
toString() - Method in class lime.LimeRuntimeException
toString() - Method in class lime.LimeException
toString() - Method in class lime.Reaction
toString() - Method in class lime.RegisteredReaction
toString() - Method in class lime.AgentID
Returns a concise textual description for this object.
toString() - Method in class lime.AgentLocation
Returns a concise textual description for this object.
toString() - Method in class lime.LimeError
toString() - Method in class lime.TransactionID
Returns a concise textual description for this object.
toString() - Method in class lime.LimeServerID
toString() - Method in class lime.HostLocation
Returns a concise textual description for this object.
toString() - Method in class lime.LimeTupleID
Returns a concise textual description for this object.
toString() - Method in class location.Location
Get a string representation of the location.
toString() - Method in class location.Longitude
This method returns a string representation of this Longitude.
toString() - Method in class location.LocationDate
toString() - Method in class location.GpsInfoEvent
Gives a string representation of the object
toString() - Method in class location.Latitude
This method returns a string representation of the latitude
toString() - Method in class location.Satellite
Gives a string representation of the object
toString() - Method in class location.LocationEvent
Gives a string representation of the object
toString() - Method in class location.GPSReceiverSettings
toString() - Method in class groupmgmt.Member
Get a String representation of this Member.
TransactionID - class lime.TransactionID.
Defines the identifier of Transaction.
TransactionID(long) - Constructor for class lime.TransactionID
Construct a new tuple identifier...guaranteed to be unique.
TSFACTORYkey - Static variable in interface lime.PropertyKeys
The tuple space factory to be used.
TupleSpaceEngineException - exception lime.TupleSpaceEngineException.
Raised when a problem occurs in the underlying tuple space engine.
TupleSpaceEngineException() - Constructor for class lime.TupleSpaceEngineException
Creates a new exception with no internal, lower-level exception.
TupleSpaceEngineException(Exception) - Constructor for class lime.TupleSpaceEngineException
Creates an exception that wraps an internal exception.
TupleSpaceEngineException(Exception, String) - Constructor for class lime.TupleSpaceEngineException
Creates an exception that wraps an internal exception.
TupleSpaceEngineException(String) - Constructor for class lime.TupleSpaceEngineException
Creates a new exception with no internal, lower-level exception.


UbiquitousReaction - class lime.UbiquitousReaction.
Specifies reactions that are location-independent and get installed on the whole shared tuple space.
UbiquitousReaction(AgentLocation, ITuple, ReactionListener, short) - Constructor for class lime.UbiquitousReaction
Create a ubiquitous reaction which restricts the destination of matching tuples.
UbiquitousReaction(ITuple, ReactionListener, short) - Constructor for class lime.UbiquitousReaction
Create the reaction.
UNSPECIFIED - Static variable in class lime.AgentLocation
Defines a wild card location that denotes an unspecified agent location.
UNSPECIFIED - Static variable in class lime.HostLocation
Define a wild card location that denotes an unspecified host location.


waitOnElement() - Method in class devutil.QueueWaiter
Blocks until an element shows up in any of the queues.
waitOnEmpty() - Method in class devutil.Queue
waitUntilEmpty() - Method in class devutil.QueueMux
It blocks until the queue is empty.
waitUntilEmpty() - Method in class devutil.Queue
It blocks until the queue is empty.
waitUntilEmpty(int) - Method in class devutil.QueueWaiter
It blocks until the queue is empty.
WEST - Static variable in class location.Longitude