Class LocationServer

All Implemented Interfaces:
java.util.EventListener, GpsInfoListener, LocationListener, java.io.Serializable

public class LocationServer
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.io.Serializable, LocationListener, GpsInfoListener

LocationServer is the singleton that applications implementing the LocationListener interface register on to receive location information. The LocationServer obtains location information from a LocationGenerator. The LocationGenerator used can be specified by the user using the setLocationGenerator(...) method prior to booting the LocationServer. Once the LocationServer has been booted, the LocationGenerator it is using cannot be changed.

Two LocationGenerators are provided within a subpackage called location.generators. They are: FakeGPSMonitor and RealGPSMonitor. The FakeGPSMonitor provides a graphical user interface that allows the user to "move" around. The RealGPSMonitor reads data from a real GPS unit connected to the serial port.

Additional LocationGenerators may be defined by third parties by implementing the LocationGenerator interface.

The LocationServer supports two types of listeners: LocationListener and GpsInfoListener. A LocationListener is informed of location information, while a GpsInfoListener is informed of GPS status such as the number of satellites.

Chien-Liang Fok
See Also:
GpsInfoEvent, LocationEvent, LocationListener, GpsInfoListener, Serialized Form

Method Summary
 void addGpsInfoListener(GpsInfoListener gpsinfo)
          Adds a GpsInfoListener to this server.
 void addLocationListener(LocationListener ll)
          Adds a LocationListener to this server.
 void boot()
          Boots the Location Server.
static LocationServer getServer()
          Returns the LocationServer singleton.
 boolean isBooted()
          Returns true if the location server is booted.
 void locationChanged(LocationEvent le)
          This implements the locationlistener interface.
 void newGpsInfo(GpsInfoEvent gpsinfo)
          This implements the GpsInfolistener interface.
 void removeGpsInfoListener(GpsInfoListener gpsinfo)
          Removes a GpsInfoListener from this server.
 void removeLocationListener(LocationListener ll)
          Removes a LocationListener from this server.
 void setLocationGenerator(LocationGenerator lg)
          Sets the location generated used by this LocationServer.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public void setLocationGenerator(LocationGenerator lg)
Sets the location generated used by this LocationServer. This should only be called prior to booting the LocationServer.


public void locationChanged(LocationEvent le)
This implements the locationlistener interface. It is called by the location generator whenever the generator has a new location to report.
Specified by:
locationChanged in interface LocationListener
Following copied from interface: location.LocationListener
le - the new location event.


public void newGpsInfo(GpsInfoEvent gpsinfo)
This implements the GpsInfolistener interface. It is called by the location generator whenever the generator has new info to report.
Specified by:
newGpsInfo in interface GpsInfoListener
Following copied from interface: location.GpsInfoListener
gpsinfo - The new gpsinfoevent.


public boolean isBooted()
Returns true if the location server is booted.


public void boot()
Boots the Location Server. Booting the LocationServer starts the distribution of location information.


public void addLocationListener(LocationListener ll)
Adds a LocationListener to this server. This listener will be notified of the current location whenever the location generator reports a new location.
ll - the LocationListener.


public void removeLocationListener(LocationListener ll)
Removes a LocationListener from this server. The LocationListener removed will no longer be notified of the current location.
ll - the LocationListener to be removed.
true if the operation was successful;


public void addGpsInfoListener(GpsInfoListener gpsinfo)
Adds a GpsInfoListener to this server. This listener will be notified of the new informations whenever the location generator reports a new info.
gpsinfo - the GpsInfoListener.


public void removeGpsInfoListener(GpsInfoListener gpsinfo)
Removes a GpsInfoListener from this server. The GpsInfoListener removed will no longer be notified of the current location.
gpsinfo - the GpsInfoListener to be removed.
true if the operation was successful;


public static LocationServer getServer()
Returns the LocationServer singleton.
the LocationServer singleton.