Interface PropertyKeys

All Known Implementing Classes:
LimeServer, Launcher

public interface PropertyKeys

Defines the property keys used to define properties of the LIMEServer.

Chien-Liang Fok
See Also:

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CONNECTkey
          A key to whether connections should be maintained.
static java.lang.String DEBUGkey
          A key to whether debug messages should be printed to the screen.
static java.lang.String ENGAGEkey
          A key that specifies whether to initially engage the LIMEServer.
static java.lang.String ENGAGEMENT_MODEkey
          A Key specifying the engagement mode.
static java.lang.String ERRORSkey
          A key to whether error messages should be printed to the screen.
static java.lang.String GM_DETECTORkey
          A Key specifying the detection mode for GroupMember.
static java.lang.String GM_DISSEMINATORkey
          A Key specifying the dissemination mode for GroupMember.
static java.lang.String GM_MAX_SPEEDkey
          A key that specifies the maximum speed at which the host can be moving.
static java.lang.String GM_MCASTADDRkey
          A key to the multicast address used by the GroupMember
static java.lang.String GM_MCASTPORTkey
          A key to the multicast port used by the GroupMember
static java.lang.String GM_NETWORK_LATENCYkey
          A key that specifies to GroupMember the latency of the network.
static java.lang.String GM_PERIODkey
          A key that specified the period at which GroupMember broadcasts beacons.
static java.lang.String GM_RANGEkey
          A key that specifies the broadcast range in meters of the wireless card.
static java.lang.String GPS_BAUDkey
          A key that specifies the baud rate of the GPS unit.
static java.lang.String GPS_PORTkey
          A key that specifies which port the GPS unit it connected to.
static java.lang.String LOADkey
          A key that specifies an agent to load onto a LIMEServer.
static java.lang.String MESSAGESkey
          A key to whether messages should be printed to the screen.
static java.lang.String PORTkey
          A key to the single-cast port used by the LIMEServer
static java.lang.String QUITkey
          A key to whether the LIMEServer should quit after loading an agent onto another LIMEServer.
static java.lang.String TSFACTORYkey
          The tuple space factory to be used.

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String LOADkey
A key that specifies an agent to load onto a LIMEServer.


public static final java.lang.String QUITkey
A key to whether the LIMEServer should quit after loading an agent onto another LIMEServer.


public static final java.lang.String CONNECTkey
A key to whether connections should be maintained.


public static final java.lang.String ENGAGEkey
A key that specifies whether to initially engage the LIMEServer.


public static final java.lang.String ENGAGEMENT_MODEkey
A Key specifying the engagement mode. Possible values include:


public static final java.lang.String TSFACTORYkey
The tuple space factory to be used.


public static final java.lang.String PORTkey
A key to the single-cast port used by the LIMEServer


public static final java.lang.String MESSAGESkey
A key to whether messages should be printed to the screen.


public static final java.lang.String ERRORSkey
A key to whether error messages should be printed to the screen.


public static final java.lang.String DEBUGkey
A key to whether debug messages should be printed to the screen.


public static final java.lang.String GPS_PORTkey
A key that specifies which port the GPS unit it connected to.


public static final java.lang.String GPS_BAUDkey
A key that specifies the baud rate of the GPS unit.


public static final java.lang.String GM_MCASTADDRkey
A key to the multicast address used by the GroupMember


public static final java.lang.String GM_MCASTPORTkey
A key to the multicast port used by the GroupMember


public static final java.lang.String GM_DETECTORkey
A Key specifying the detection mode for GroupMember. Possible values include:


public static final java.lang.String GM_DISSEMINATORkey
A Key specifying the dissemination mode for GroupMember. Possible values include:


public static final java.lang.String GM_PERIODkey
A key that specified the period at which GroupMember broadcasts beacons.


public static final java.lang.String GM_RANGEkey
A key that specifies the broadcast range in meters of the wireless card.


public static final java.lang.String GM_MAX_SPEEDkey
A key that specifies the maximum speed at which the host can be moving.


public static final java.lang.String GM_NETWORK_LATENCYkey
A key that specifies to GroupMember the latency of the network.