Interface Summary | |
ILimeAgent | Any Lime agent must implement this interface. |
PropertyKeys | Defines the property keys used to define properties of the LIMEServer. |
ReactionListener | Implemented by objects that want to react to an event. |
Class Summary | |
AgentID | Defines the identifier of StationaryAgent and
MobileAgent objects. |
AgentLocation | Defines the location of a tuple with respect to an Agent . |
HostLocation | Defines the location of a tuple within the host-level tuple space associated with a host. |
LimeAgentMgr | This is returned when loading an agent into the LimeServer. |
LimeServer | The runtime support needed to run Lime on a given host. |
LimeServerID | Defines the unique identifier of a LimeServer . |
LimeSystemReaction | Specifies reactions that are concerned only over the Lime System Tuple Space. |
LimeSystemTupleSpace | The LimeSystemTupleSpace (LSTS) gives the Lime Application Programmer the ability to access the system context information including which hosts are present, which agents are present, and which tuple spaces are at the agents. |
LimeTupleID | Defines the identifier of Tuple objects. |
LimeTupleSpace | This class, LimeTupleSpace , provides an implementation for
the Interface Tuple Space (ITS), the most basic component of a Lime-based
application. |
LocalizedReaction | Specifies reactions that are concerned only with a localized projection of the shared tuple space. |
Location | The superclass of all locations, i.e., of both host and agent locations. |
Reaction | The superclass of all reactions. |
ReactionEvent | Contains information related to an event that may fire a reaction. |
RegisteredReaction | Objects of this class represent a sort of a "receipt" for the registration of a reaction. |
StationaryAgent | In Lime, a Lime tuple space is always permanently associated with an
ILimeAgent object. |
TransactionID | Defines the identifier of Transaction. |
UbiquitousReaction | Specifies reactions that are location-independent and get installed on the whole shared tuple space. |
Exception Summary | |
AgentCreationException | Raised when it's impossible to create an agent in a Lime server. |
IllegalReactionOperationException | Raised whenever a blocking operation (in or
rd ) or an operation accessing a non-local portion of the
shared tuple space is invoked from within a ReactionListener
object. |
IllegalSharingException | Raised when an agent tries to set its own Lime System tuple space object to private. |
IllegalTupleSpaceAccessException | Raised when an agent tries to access a Lime tuple space it did not create. |
IllegalTupleSpaceModificationException | Raised when an agent tries to modify the contents of a read-only tuple
spaces, with a out , in , or
inp operation. |
IllegalTupleSpaceNameException | Raised when an agent tries to create a LimeTupleSpace with an invalid name. |
IncompatibleLocationsException | Raised whenever the current and/or destination locations specified in a location-dependent operation are incompatible with the semantics of the operation itself. |
LimeException | The superclass of all exceptions raised by this package. |
LimeRuntimeException | The superclass of all runtime exceptions generated by this package. |
NoSuchReactionException | Raised when an agent attempts to deregister a reaction that has never been registered. |
TupleSpaceEngineException | Raised when a problem occurs in the underlying tuple space engine. |
Error Summary | |
LimeError | The superclass of every error generated by this package. |