Class UbiquitousReaction

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UbiquitousReaction
extends Reaction

Specifies reactions that are location-independent and get installed on the whole shared tuple space. In other words, these reactions are installed on every node in the system (i.e., those currently present and, upon engagement, also on the new ones).

This kind of reaction can be used only to define weak reaction operations, using the LimeTupleSpace.addWeakReaction method. Strong reactions require LocalizedReactions to be passed to the addStrongReaction method.

1.0 alpha
Amy L. Murphy, Gian Pietro Picco
See Also:
Reaction, LocalizedReaction, ReactionListener, LimeTupleSpace, Serialized Form

Fields inherited from class lime.Reaction
Constructor Summary
UbiquitousReaction(AgentLocation dest, lights.interfaces.ITuple template, ReactionListener listener, short mode)
          Create a ubiquitous reaction which restricts the destination of matching tuples.
UbiquitousReaction(lights.interfaces.ITuple template, ReactionListener listener, short mode)
          Create the reaction.
Methods inherited from class lime.Reaction
getCurrentLocation, getDestinationLocation, getListener, getMode, getTemplate, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public UbiquitousReaction(lights.interfaces.ITuple template,
                          ReactionListener listener,
                          short mode)
Create the reaction.
template - tuples in the shared tuple space that match this template will trigger execution of the reaction, i.e., invocation of the listener.
listener - the reaction listener, which specifies the computation to take place when the reaction is fired.
mode - the reaction mode (see Reaction).


public UbiquitousReaction(AgentLocation dest,
                          lights.interfaces.ITuple template,
                          ReactionListener listener,
                          short mode)
Create a ubiquitous reaction which restricts the destination of matching tuples.
template - tuples in the shared tuple space that match this template will trigger execution of the reaction, i.e., invocation of the listener.
listener - the reaction listener, which specifies the computation to take place when the reaction is fired.
mode - the reaction mode (see Reaction).