Interface ReactionListener

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public interface ReactionListener
extends java.util.EventListener,

Implemented by objects that want to react to an event.
A reaction (as defined by a Reaction object) is specified by a template, a mode, and an object implementing this interface. Reactions are registered on a tuple space using either the method addStrongReaction or addWeakReaction defined in LimeTupleSpace.

After each tuple space operation, and before processing another operation, the Lime runtime support system checks whether there are reactions that are currently enabled, i.e., whose template matches some tuple in the tuple space. If such a reaction exists, the reactsTo method of the corresponding listener (i.e., of the object implementing ReactionListener and originally associated with the reaction at registration time) is invoked automatically. After execution of this method, the Lime runtime support reevaluates the reactions against the new shared tuple space, which can possibly have been changed by the code in the listener object, to determine whether there are other reactions enabled. If yes, the corresponding reactsTo method is fired. This process continues until there are no more enabled reactions. At this point, the normal processing of tuple space operations resumes.

Notably, listeners can contain only operations that are local (i.e., affect at most the host-level tuple space) and are non-blocking (otherwise deadlock could occur immediately). Also, listeners cannot access other Lime tuple space objects even if they are on the same host.

The ReactionEvent parameter in reactsTo provides the listener with a copy of the RegisteredReaction object it is associated to, a copy of the tuple that triggered the reaction, and a handle to the agent that registered the reaction, such that the listener can invoke public methods on the agent. However, there are no limitations about the class of the object that can implement this interface. In particular, it can be implemented by subclasses of ILimeAgents, that can specify directly the response to the event, thus leveraging off of unrestricted access to the agent's innards.

As a final remark, particular care should be put in keeping the operations of the listener lightweight. The execution of the listener is performed by the Lime run-time support, not by the agent that registered the reaction. Consequently, if the required computation is heavyweight, the processing of the whole Lime server is slowed down. Also, although blocking tuple space operations are disallowed in Lime, the runtime support does not have any way to prevent other kind of blocking operations that can potentially block the whole Lime server. In particular, AWT/Swing modal dialogboxes, which block the corresponding caller thread, should never be used from within a reaction listener.

1.0 alpha
Amy L. Murphy, Gian Pietro Picco
See Also:
LimeTupleSpace, Reaction, ReactionEvent, ILimeAgent

Method Summary
 void reactsTo(ReactionEvent e)
          This method is invoked automatically by the system when the corresponding reaction must be fired.

Method Detail


public void reactsTo(ReactionEvent e)
This method is invoked automatically by the system when the corresponding reaction must be fired.
e - the event that triggered the reaction.