
Lime comes with a number of examples that demonstrate some of its capability. They are found under the directory examples of the distribution (follow the links to see more information about each example):

If you develop a nice application and would like to see it included in the distribution as a Lime demo, contact us! The following is a list of projects maintained separate from the Lime distribution.

How to work with the examples:

Makefiles are provided for each of the larger examples, while a single makefile exists that combines the simple examples (InteractiveAgent, InteractiveMobileAgent, InteractiveMonitorAgent, and SimpleLime).

Please see the installation instructions for how to set your CLASSPATH.

All the interactive agent examples require launching a Lime server and loading into it the agent that contains the application's logic. Please consult the documentation about using the Launcher.

Interactive Agent

This example demonstrates the capability of the package lime.util.console and, at the same time, provides a useful tool for debugging Lime applications. The interactive agent simply displays a graphical console which can be used to perform operations on a Lime tuple space.

How to run the example:

From the directory examples/simpleExamples/bin, start a Lime server with an InteractiveAgent:

java lime.util.Launcher -load InteractiveAgent

Additional InteractiveAgents can be loaded into the same JVM by typing

java lime.util.Launcher -quit -load InteractiveAgent

in a separate window on the same host.

What to expect:

On the shell running the Lime server the following messages will appear:

>java lime.util.Launcher -load InteractiveAgent
Lime:Factory set to lights.adapters.builtin.TupleSpaceFactory
Lime:Lime server murphy:1973 activated
Lime:Agent InteractiveAgent loaded and started.

After a short delay, the window with the console will appear. For details about how to use the console see this description. For details about how to use the Lime console from within your agents, please consult the API documentation of lime.util.LimeConsole.

Worth Noting:

The code for InteractiveAgent is small:

public class InteractiveAgent extends StationaryAgent implements IConsoleProvider {
  LimeTupleSpace lts = null;
  LimeConsole c;
  public InteractiveAgent() throws LimeException {
  public void setConsole(LimeConsole c) { this.c = c; }
  public LimeConsole getConsole() { return c; }
  public void run() { 
    try { 
      lts = new LimeTupleSpace(); 
    } catch (LimeException le) { le.printStackTrace(); }
    c = new LimeConsole(getMgr().getID(), lts, this);
    while(true) {
      String s = c.performQueuedOp();

The constructor simply calls the constructor of the standard StationaryAgent, naming the thread with a specified string. The run() method of the agent takes care of creating a default tuple space and processing the queue of requested operations maintained by the Lime console. Remember that the method performQueuedOp blocks if the queue is empty, which simplifies the code for the agent.

Please note that the Lime tuple space must be created by the same thread that performs opertaions on it. In other words, the tuple space cannot be created from within the InteractiveAgent constructor. And the operations to be performed on the tuple space cannot be performed directly by the LimeConsole but must be executed by the thread of the InteractiveAgent.

Also note that the go method in the console has no effect on the InteractiveAgent.

Interactive Mobile Agent

The primary difference between this agent and the previous one is the enabling of the go operation on this agent. To start this example, you must use the Launcher associated with µcode mobile agents, as in:

 java lime.mobileagent.mucode.Launcher --mucode --load InteractiveMobileAgent 

For details on the mobile agent Launcher parameters, consult the documentation.

Note: Due to a known bug in the Sun JDK1.4, this example must be run with JDK1.3.

Interactive Monitor Agent

The InteractiveMonitorAgent displays how the LimeSystemTupleSpace can be used to track the presence of other agents, hosts, and tuple spaces. This example installs six separate reactions on the LimeSystem tuple space, each of which writes a line to the LimeConsole when a change occurs in the system configuration. Launch it as you would a regular InteractiveAgent:

java lime.util.Launcher -load InteractiveMonitorAgent

Simple Lime

The primary benefit of this example is to demonstrate how to construct an application that will launch Lime itself. The source code demonstrates the use of the Launcher to pass parameters to Lime, and how to load an agent directly into the LimeServer. Rather than launching this application directly using the launcher, use the following:

java SimpleLime msg

or pass Lime any desired Lime parameters as in:

java SimpleLime msg -mcastport 2130

Weak Probe LTS Operations

The WeakProbeLimeTupleSpace class is unlike the other examples, in that it is not a stand-alone application which exploits Lime. Instead, it serves as an example of how to extend the basic LimeTupleSpace with operations that are aggregates of the basic operations. Specifically, the WeakProbeLimeTupleSpace provides the operations weakInp, weakRdp, weakIng, and weakRdg which probe the federated tuple space for either a single matching tuple, or all matching tuples.

The execution of these operations is not performed atomically over a snapshot of the federated tuple space, but is performed individually and incrementally over the host-level tuple spaces which are present in the federation when the operation is invoked. For example, if hosts A, B and C are connected and have agents with transiently shared tuple spaces of the same name; if an agent on host A issues one of these weak operations, the result returned will be the cumulative result of probing operation performed first on A, then on B, then on C. If B or C disconnect before the operation is complete, it is as if the result of the probe of that host returned null. If host D connects during the operation, D is ignored for this operation.

To use this class, an agent should create an instance of a WeakProbeLimeTupleSpace instead of a LimeTupleSpace. All normal operations of a LimeTupleSpace are still available through a WeakProbeLimeTupleSpace.


RoamingJigsaw, is a multi-player jigsaw puzzle assembly game. A group of players cooperate on the solution of the jigsaw puzzle in a disconnected fashion. They construct assemblies independently, share intermediate results, and acquire pieces from each other when connected. Play begins with one player loading the puzzle pieces to a shared tuple space. Any connected player sees the puzzle pieces of the other connected players and can select pieces they wish to work with. When a piece is selected, all connected players observe this as a change in the colored border of the piece, and within the system, the piece itself is moved to be co-located with the selecting player. When a player disconnects, the workspace does not change, but the pieces that have been selected by the departing player can no longer be selected and manipulated. From the perspective of the disconnected player, pieces whose border is tagged with the player's color can be assembled into clusters. Additionally, the player can connect to other players to further redistribute the pieces, and to view the progress made by the other players with respect to any clusters formed since last connected.

This application is based on a pattern of interaction where the shared workspace provides an accurate image of the global state of connected players but only weakly consistent with the global state of the system as a whole. The user workspace contains the last known information about each puzzle piece. It is interesting to observe that the globally set goal of the distributed application, i.e., the solution of the puzzle, is built incrementally through successive updates to the local state, distributed to all other players either immediately if connected or in a ``lazy'' fashion if connectivity is not available at that time.

java lime.util.Launcher -load puzzle.LimePuzzleAgent

More details are available here.


RedRover is a spatial game in which individuals equipped with small mobile devices form teams and interact in a physical environment augmented with virtual elements. This forces the participants to rely to a great extent on information provided by the mobile units and not solely on what is visible to the naked eye.

The key component of RedRover is that players share their physical location in space. Each player has a kind of radar image on their screen which is constantly updated with the locations of (connected) players as they move.

java redRover.RedRover

More details are available here.


Chat is a multiuser chat program that allows several users to communicate with each other.

java lime.util.Launcher -load chat.LChat

More details are available here.


This application demonstrates how Lime can be used for communication and entertainment.

How to run the example:

java mobiChat.chatUser.MobiChatApp

More details are available here.

LIME: Linda in a Mobile Environment