
Lime is open source, under the GNU Lesser General Public License, and no registration or whatsoever is needed in order to use it.

However, we are interested in knowing who is using it around the world, and for which kinds of projects or purposes. We would greatly appreciate if you can take a minute to fill out the "new users survey" on SourceForge before downloading.

To download Lime, Go to the project summary page and download the desired package.
There are two sets of files which can be downloaded:

The motivation for providing two different packages is to limit the size of your download each time we release a new jar file containing just some bug fix. Rather than downloading all of the documentation and examples each time, you will only need to update the jar files.
Make sure to read the release notes (the notebook icon on the right of the release).

Note: The CVS repository is no loner kept up to date. New versions are released with the above distribution forms.

To subscribe to a (low traffic) mailing list with updates about new developments in Lime, send a request to the lime administrators.

LIME: Linda in a Mobile Environment