Class Location

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AgentLocation, HostLocation

public abstract class Location
extends java.lang.Object

The superclass of all locations, i.e., of both host and agent locations.

In Lime, a tuple is always physically stored in the interface tuple space (ITS) of an agent. However, Lime operations refer to tuples whose location can be expressed in terms of:

Locations are frequently used to specify that a given tuple space operation is concerned with a projection of the shared tuple space defined by a pair of location parameters: the current and destination location of tuples. Then, for instance,

LimeServerID hostID = ...;
Agent agent = ...;
ITuple template = new Tuple().addActual(1).addActual(2);
LimeTupleSpace ts = new LimeTupleSpace("myApplication");
Tuple t = HostLocation(hostID), new AgentLocation(agent.getMgr().getID()), template);
specifies a blocking in operation that retrieves any tuple matching template whose destination is the ITS named "myApplication" of the agent object, and that are currently located on hostID.

Lcoations can also be specified using "wild cards", for instance to specifically allow the user to leave the value of a given location unspecified, or specify that any location will do. For details of how to use wild cards, refer to AgentLocation and HostLocation.

1.0 alpha
Amy L. Murphy, Gian Pietro Picco
See Also:
LimeTupleSpace, AgentLocation, HostLocation, Serialized Form

Method Summary
 boolean isWildCard()
          Test whether the location is a wild card location.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public boolean isWildCard()
Test whether the location is a wild card location.
true if the location is a wild card location.